Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi
Aday Öğrenci
MDFB Programlar

Hızlı Bağlantılar

Ana Menü

Hızlı Bağlantılar

Lisans Programı
Seminerler ve Etkinlikler
Dekanın Mesajı
Araştırma Sonuçları

Doktora Yeterlilik Sınavı

CS PhD program offers written qualifying exams in the following basics, core and specialization areas of CS to test if a PhD student has an acceptable mastery of basic undergraduate level knowledge in computer science and engineering:

CS Basics

Core Areas

Specialization Ares

  • Computer Graphics (CS405)
  • Machine Learning (CS412)
  • Artificial Intelligence (CS404)
  • Cryptography and Network Security (CS432)

As part of the requirements for an admission to PhD candidacy, students enrolled in the CS PhD program must pass:

  • the Data Structures and Algorithms exam;
  • two qualifying exams from the core area exams;
  • another written qualifying exam in CS (can be a core or specialization area exam) -OR- Engineering Mathematics -OR- one of the other FENS PhD programs;
  • an oral qualifying exam in CS after successfully passing the 4 written exams.

General information about PhD qualifying exams at SU can be found athttps://fens.sabanciuniv.edu/en/phdqualifying

Data Structures and Algorithms

2. Programming Languages and Compiler Design

3. Database Systems and Software Engineering

4. Computer Architecture and Digital Design

5. Operating Systems and Computer Networks

6. Automata Theory and Theory of Computation

7. Computer Graphics

8. Machine Learning

9. Artificial Intelligence

10. Cryptography and Network Security

Lisansüstü Koordinatörü

Hüsnü Yenigün

Program Koordinatörü

Albert Levi

Covid-19 Bilgilendirmesi

Değerli Sabancı Üniversitesi Mensupları, Ülkemizde, Covid-19 pandemisi ile mücadelede, 1 Haziran 2020 tarihi itibarıyla “kontrollü normalleşme” sürecine geçilmiştir.